To keep and create decent jobs, we need state-led job creation programmes to generate sustainable and decent work, not only in infrastructure but in care work, community services and clean energy.
This means the rolling back of privatisation and contracting out of key E tū industries, and secure and increased funding of essential services work. We also need a transition plan for all affected workers as a requirement of state support. Plans should include what happens if and when work runs out, how employers will support the affected workers and their families, and how they will be brought back on board as soon as possible.
Industry plans need to have a strong skills and workforce development component, with a key planning role envisaged at a national and industry level through industry plans and Workforce Development Councils, and at a regional level through Regional Skills Leadership Groups.
Māori are critical also to just transition processes however iwi and hapū are inadequately resourced to undertake this extra work and E tū firmly believes that Government must have dedicated funding support to ensure Māori participation in all facets of the just transition process, and fair decision making timeframes provide for their involvement.
Any job creation needs to have the climate crisis in mind. There is no use rebuilding an economy that continues to be environmentally unsustainable. There are many opportunities for creating high value jobs in green infrastructure and energy, as well as across many other sectors and industries.